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Bubble Football Confirmed!...

Football For Funding are delighted to announce that BB FOOTBALL will be supplying the laughs at FEVER PITCH in the form of their Bubble Footballs!

If you're not aware of what bubble football is then feel free to Google it and give yourself a preview. There will be a small mini tournament held after the Arsenal Charity Team v Amateur All-Stars main event, and it promises to be a memorable event in it's own right!

We'd like to send them huge thanks for their generosity in offering their services to this event.

BB Football

BB FOOTBALL is the No.1 Football experience in Kent.

They cater for any type of party, presentation nights, team building events and social gatherings.You can go and play at their home ground near Ashford, Kent or they can come to your venue.

Prices start from just £15 per person for a full 60 minute game with up to 12 players at a time which offers great fun and fantastic value for money!

They have also just announced their first 6-a-side tournament which is to be held in Sellindge, Kent at the end of July.

Please visit give them a call or visit their website for more details.

Scott: 07999 060 062

Lee: 07885 543 633

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